Tag Archives: Group 3

Former group 3 preliminary

Group 3-1 Group 3-2 Group 3-3 Group 3-4 Group 3-5 Group 3-6

Our “In and Around” design for preliminary. Above are all the rendering in many locations.

Group 3-7

These are the colour test. In the end our conclusion is red.

Group 3-8 Group 3-9

These are the assembling process. The design have to be made out of two part, upper and lower part, which will be laminated together at the edges. After the glue stiffs enough, the edges need to be sanded and painted to get rid of the exposed composite edge.

Group 3 update

We improved our model. In this new update, there are two arches in the design which each of them consist of two similar parts. Then, there are four parts in the design that can be made by the same mold. It decrease mold area to 17.3 m2.

Version 5 pic2 Version 5 pic1

Also, we decide to use lamination method to assembling the model because it seems to be the only way to keep the shape edges. After laminating, the edge of the composite needs to be sanded and painted to create a nice looking finishing.
